"Do you want to subscribe? Probably!not, but if you do, here are the
$At the current rate of production of"the magazine, (one issue every two%months, one disk per issue) the three"disk subscription is equivalent to six months, whereas the six disk subscription means one year. The$magazine may become more frequent or%on more disks, but probably not for a!while. You can send your money in$either cash (pounds only, please) or if you are subscribing in the UK!only, by cheque. Although I can't%imagine that anybody needs to write a
cheque for eight pounds! Also, remember that the postal service"doesn't like coins rattling around"inside envelopes, so make sure you%tape 'em to the side of the envelope.# You should find that subscription"is pretty cheap. (
1.33 per issue !in England if you subscribe for a%year.) You'll have trouble getting it!anywhere cheaper. It's also fast,"with you receiving it a good week before I send it to PD librarys.!(This isn't a ploy to get you to %subscribe, it's just that subscribers
take priority.)
"Submissions to the magazine can be#articles on any subject you care to!mention, and even some you don't.#Your articles can comprise text in $standard ASCII format, with pictures#in IFF format. (AGA isn't currently supported by Magnetic Pages) Any$graphics that go on the same page as$text must be in hi-res non interlace$(640X256, I think) in either 8 or 16 colours. Pictures on a screen of
their own can be in any non-AGA#screen mode. The disk format can be#any Amiga format, such as OFS, FFS,
Directory Caching etc. or even#MS-DOS. Bear in mind picture format
if you draw pictures on a PC#(inferior though they are). No TIFF$GIFF SPIFF LIFF PIFF WIFF CLIFF ect."sound is also supported, in either$RAW or IFF, so the instructions say, although a RAW sample I threw at"magnetic pages played at the wrong%rate. MED modules are also supported. We can not guarantee return of!your disks, since I can't predict
how many responses we'll get.$Subscribers, however, will get their"disks returned with the next issue
they are sent.
$Send your subscriptions and articles
Philip Corner
TS16 9BH
#Remember to make cheques payable to me. (that's Philip Corner, that !is) Also specify if you want your
subscription to start from the
current issue or the next one.
Next issue due out at the
begginning of November, 1994
%Remember that we'll also be running a"gallery (how original), so you can send your masterpieces into that$address as well. Oh, and no pictures
from two year olds of Sonic the$Hedgehog or Mario and especially not
Zool. And don't try and send in
pictures from a five year old#slideshow pretending that it's your"own work, like somebody did on Bad%Influence a while back. (I believe it"was from 17 Bit's slideshow either$disk one or two) And before you ask,$I only watch it to laugh at the kids$saying "I like this game 'cause it's!really good." and Violet Berlin's$lisp ("I haven't got a lithp."), but!most of all, Andy Cranes complete%obviousness that he hasn't got a damn clue what the smegging hell he's"talking about. Any other piece of !work though would be appreciated,$mainly because we can't draw (JAZ X #likes to think he can, but you only"have to look at the front cover to"realise that's a blatant lie), and!we'd like you to try to brighten